'Glee' star arrested on suspicion of possessing child porn

U.S. actor Mark Salling arrives at the Entertainment Tonight Emmy Party in Los Angeles, California September 19, 2011. REUTERS/Jason Redmond

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Mark Salling, star of the hit television show "Glee," was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of possessing child pornography, the Los Angeles Police Department said. Salling, 33, who played brash high school football player Noah "Puck" Puckerman on the Fox network series about an unlikely school choir, was taken into custody in the Sunland neighborhood north of Los Angeles, LAPD spokeswoman Liliana Preciado said. He was being booked into a downtown Los Angeles jail, she said. Salling was arrested by officers serving search warrants for Internet possession of child pornography, according to the spokeswoman. Preciado said she had no further details on the case, which will be turned over to prosecutors to decide whether to bring any formal charges against the actor. With its diverse cast of characters and energetic cover versions of pop, rap and Broadway songs, "Glee" debuted in 2009 and grew into a huge hit worldwide, winning multiple Golden Globe, Emmy and Teen Choice awards for its cast, writers and directors. The series ended in March 2015 with the characters grown up and leading adult lives. Salling, a native of Dallas, was nominated for Teen Choice awards in 2010 and 2011 but failed to win. Salling's representatives were not immediately available for comment. (Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Jill Serjeant in New York; Editing by Chris Reese and Andrew Hay)